
I am getting CRANKY

by - July 24, 2006

After numerous times of peer-pressure I decided it is time to pick my lazy fingers up and start typing. Cowgum hope I did not disappoint you this time.

I can't say that my life is exciting but it has'nt been quiet either. Where should I start?

Lets start by saying that I am currently going crazy. My fantastic cat Mr. Q-tip had succeded in keeping awake all night. I bet his been planning this all this time while being left alone at home and starving due to the new diet plan given to him. Right now, really right at this very moment while I'm typing, he is there at the kitchen trying his very best to make a mess...dipping his paws into his water bowl to salvage whatever that is left of his half decent meal - the 1 remaining bit of food which drop in accidently during his race against clock to finish his meal. This unpleasent behaviour of his drives me nuts, later I have to clean the huge mess he made.

You may think he is just a cat, an innocent animal who knows nothing. WOoHoo! not FUNNY!! He goes to the toilet god knows how many times just to piss me off and he makes all that noise in the toilet preventing me from sleeping, I would say every 40mins he would be at it until I get up to find SHIT everywhere in the toilet (seriously everywhere cause he likes to dig them out) What is his problem anyway? Someday I would kick his fat ass out to RSPCA at this rate his making me nuts.

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