Kids Nutrition: Fish Oil Omega-3 Fatty Acids

by - March 13, 2015

What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are Polyunsaturated Fats otherwise known as Good Fats. Unlike saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats are chemically active fats that are important structural components of every cell membrane in our body. Unfortunately, our body cannot make these polyunsaturated fat.

The 3 types of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
Short chain ALA (Alpha-Linolenic acid). Plant sourced Omega-3 found in walnut, flaxseed, soybean oil and canola oil.

Long chain EPA(Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid). Marine sourced Omega-3 found in krill, salmon, sardines, mackerel. And, Animal sourced Omega-3 found in eggs and beef.

I'm not going to delve into the long technical explanation and so in conclusion EPA and DHA is particular important for us.

Benefits for the little one.
Healthy Eyes. DHA important for visual development.
Concentration and Behaviour. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for healthy brain development.
Healthy Bodies. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for the heart and vascular system.

I have never fully understand why it is necessary to take Omega-3 Fatty Acids until I got pregnant. I didn't know it played such an important role in fetus growth and infant development as well as many other health benefits for my growing child.

I am not a big fan of eating fish, in fact I find it repulsive and the raw ones just makes me gag. I couldn't even bring myself to touch the fish let alone having to cook it for Little Lam. If you have been following my Instagram that salmon recently cooked for Little Lam was not pin-boned or cleaned by me. I just quickly sprinkle the herbs and chuck the tray into the oven so I don't have to look at that raw fish. GAG!!!!
I know Little Lam needs a good amount of Omega-3 in his diet but my dislike for preparing fish meant he is not getting much of it so I opted the supplement route. He seemed totally fine with my decision. (Only when you know you can't give it through diet, supplement it.)
What I am most worried about when it comes to fish oil supplementation especially for my little one, is the presence of heavy metal, mercury, PBCs and toxins if not treated correctly. There have been quite a few articles circulating online recently about various health supplements with bad practices, fake labeling and false claims. Fish oil in Australia do not contain what they claim on the labels. (one of the article here).
With all these troubling issues, USANA's BiOmega Jr. fish oil is the only brand I trust. It has Potency Guarantee, so I know for sure what's on the label is exactly what I am getting in the product and it will do what it says it's supposed to.

Why BiOmega Jr.?
BiOmega Jr. provides an efficacious amount of highly absorbable DHA and EPA. It delivers an optimal range of Omega-3 fatty acids, 230mg DHA + 350mg EPA in every dose. A lovely orange flavoured creamy gel that has no fishy taste or after-taste.(It's true. I've tried it and I didn't gag before, during or after.) It is packaged conveniently as single-serves, easy to bring along while I'm out.

Little Lam enjoys it and I can rest assure it's all good for him.

P/s: This product contain pasteurized egg yolk, not recommended if your child is allergic to eggs.
P/p/s: Supplements should not replace a balance diet and always read the label and use as directed.

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