I guess this is what we get for living in a place with the weirdest weather on earth. I myself cannot believe my eyes. Daylight filled the plains yet in the distance I still cannot see that building once so clear to me. Looking out the glass door the idea of stepping out into this freezing weather is just a thought. But wait! I brave myself and took that big step of opening that door. Strange yet comforting. There is no wind, no chills just hot warm steam air touching my every skin. Goodness me I felt like I have just stepped into a steam room, the air was so thick and humid. Very soon I'm drench in my own sweat "crude". Standing there in silence, I tried to comprehend everything that was going on. Where had summer gone? Where is the sun that was suppose to fill the day instead? Never in so many years of living here have I ever come across a summer's day like this. In swift motion, I went to take note of this moment. There the best shoot I managed in this "Wild" weather. This went on for another day, it was rain in fog, again no wind no chills. Ofcos everything weird will never last long, 2 days later, the sky cleared up and it was summer once again, a cool summer weather at
23degrees. Ha! talking about not weird anymore. The clear sky on the right is what a clear summer's sky look like the only weird thing is the need to wear a sweater cause there was wind and chills. I think the price of living in Melbourne is the need to accept the ever changing weather. Like I always say "Never trust the weather man". Just as I'm speaking it is raining outside now. This is summer in weird Melbourne.